Leveraging Your Sales Deck to Close More Deals

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Having a potential client get confused about a product or fall asleep during a pitch is a salesperson’s worst nightmare. Even if your presentation skills are superb coming prepared with an exceptional sales deck will help to communicate clearly your company’s services or products to your client.

Learn more below about what is essential to your sales deck and landing the job.

What’s a sales deck?

A sales deck is a presentation used to accompany a sales pitch or a demo of a company’s service or product to a client. A sales deck is a essential asset to any company that relies on selling its products or services to potential clients.

Not only does a sales deck list the benefits your company has to offer but it serves as a visual to easily talk about your product and also shows your storytelling abilities.

The most important think about a sales deck is it should persuade and convert. 

Here are some tips and tricks to help you land the job and stand out from the competition. 

What should be in your sales deck?

No matter the service or product, there are fundamentals you need in your sales deck to convince your future clients to buy into your product or service. 

Here’s how to turn your audience from viewers to buyers. 

  • The Problem/Opportunity
    Firstly take a look at the prospective clients issues and pain points. How can your service or product fix the clients problem? Understanding their problem will show them how your product is the answer.
  • The Ideal Solution
    Provide context of why your service or product is the ideal solution to their problem. Be detailed so that your potential client or buyer can see they can’t fix their challenges without your solution.
  • The Product/Competitive Edge
    After you’ve communicated to your audience your solution, tell them why you exist. How does your service or product solve their problems? This is your competitive edge so use it to your advantage. Tell them how you will achieve solving problems and you will be more attractive to prospects. 

 Dos and Don’ts

Once you have the right content in your presentation here are the best ways to design and organize the flow of the deck.

Sales Deck: What Not to Do

  • Don’t use technical jargon.
    Using terms and abbreviations specific to your industry may not be clear to those who are not. Keep it simple when explaining complicated ideas.
  • Don’t compare yourself to other big names. 
    Be original! By saying you’re the “Uber of shipping” only weakens your brand and your unique qualities. Be confident and leave your audience knowing exactly who you are. 
  • Don’t use too much text. 
    Keep the text to a minimum, this helps the audience digest the information easily.
  • Don’t forget mobile readers
    In today’s world, most are viewing documents on the go so make sure to have user friendly content that also looks nice on smaller screens. 

Sales Deck: What You Should Do

The goal is to sell your company’s service or product to your future clients, but before that happens you need to build a relationship with them. How? Through good storying telling in the layout of the deck. 

  • Make your sales decks visually stunning. 
    A picture is worth a thousand words, use videos and effects to bring your deck to life. These elements will give visual aid for your audience and leave them with a lasting impression.
  • Stick with one template. 
    A visually consistent dock will leave a lasting impression on your prospects. Being consistent from your deck to your marketing will solidify the brand in the future.
  • Cater your deck to your target audience. 
    Personally addressing your audience allows a client-company relationship to build from the start and attract them to your product or service. Keep in mind if you are selling to a different industry you must understand the issues that are specific to them.
  • Create two versions of your deck. 
    Why two? Your primary one will be used during the live presentation with minimal written content and visuals to keep your audience intrigued. The secondary one will be used as a follow-up with detailed information to help them make an informed decision about using your services or products.

Bottom Line

A great sales deck contains balance between information and visuals that will leave an unforgettable impression of your company. With a great sales deck you’ll be making deals in no time! 

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Sources: Foleon.com

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