2021 Website Trends

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Last year we packed up our offices and learned to work with our pets calling for attention and children walking into our meetings. The new WFH life challenged businesses to rethink the sales model. With no sales team on the road and more clients at home and online, our websites became an even more important sales vehicle, and it should be optimized as such - for a great user experience that will keep users visiting and revisiting. Here are some website trends we expect to see in 2021.

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Measuring User Engagement on Your B2B Marketing Website


image credit: NicoElNino/shutterstock.com

As B2B marketers, we have plenty of prospect and customer data to keep track of. When a conversion occurs, we are there to analyze and determine follow-up steps. Within a B2B marketing website, you are bound to receive several notable interactions. This is why it’s critical to pay close attention to your user engagement metrics—such as a user’s browsing habits, CTAs they click, time spent on a webpage, etc. Here’s how your company can measure user engagement on your B2B marketing website.

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Why Simplicity is the Key to Great Website Design


image credit: REDPIXEL.PL/shutterstock.com

Have you ever visited a company’s website for the first time and immediately felt put off by its design and layout? Maybe too many contrasting colors were jarring to look at or the home page had complex scrolling—shifting from horizontal to vertical with seemingly little purpose. If you made it through this experience with a vow never to return to that website, you likely have an idea of what led to such a poor user experience; the website wasn’t embracing simplicity. Let’s discuss why simplicity is the key to great website design.

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How Your Marketing Website Reflects Your Company’s Branding


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A website’s design can say a lot about a company as a whole—regarding their tone, values, and how much you can trust them. If a prospect is researching for the right solution to fit their needs, they may just end up finding their way to your marketing website. When they get there, it can be disappointing to see confusing navigation, inconsistent colors and fonts, and a lack of valuable offers. As a follow-up to a previous blog post we published last year, here’s how your marketing website acts as a reflection of your company’s branding.

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Improving Your Marketing Company's Website Performance


image credit: NicoElNino/shutterstock.com

To a marketing company, website performance means more than just load times, image rendering, and bounce rate. It defines a significant part of your company’s authority and relevancy in the eyes of your audience and search engines alike. The unfortunate truth is that potential leads may never get to see what your solutions and services are—because they’ve already left your website due to poor performance.

To ensure your marketing company isn’t missing out on lead generation and search engine optimization (SEO) opportunities, here are a few tips to improve your website performance.

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3 Interactive Design Ideas for Your B2B Marketing Website


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For some marketers, updating their existing website is nothing more than a pipe dream—a goal so daunting that it may not seem worth the effort. However, you don’t need to completely rebuild your entire website just to implement some new designs. More and more, we’re seeing interactive design lead the way for stronger website engagement—from the start of a buyer’s journey all the way through to the end. Marketers, here are three interactive design ideas you can integrate into your b2b marketing website.

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3 Advantages of an Inbound Strategy for Your Marketing Website


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If you’ve been involved in the marketing industry for the past several years, you’ve likely come across the term “inbound marketing.” The concept is based on a strong customer-oriented approach to marketing—especially through your company’s website—with a focus on content development, social media, search engine optimization (SEO), and branding. It’s a multi-step process that takes a significant amount of time to get started, but the advantages of an inbound strategy can truly impact your company.

If you’re interested in bringing the inbound methodology to your marketing website but still have a few concerns, you’ve come to the right place! Here are 3 advantages of an inbound strategy for your marketing website.

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3 Web Design Resolutions for Your Digital Marketing Company


image credit: Undrey/shutterstock.com 

Welcome to a new year of digital marketing—and a new decade altogether! What better way to kick off 2020 than with a few new year’s resolutions? Web design is one of the top areas of focus for digital marketing; your website houses your company’s content, branding, and overall messaging. Let’s set some web design resolutions, together, to ensure your digital marketing website can attract, engage, and convert in 2020.

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How to Resolve a High Bounce Rate on Your Digital Marketing Website


image credit: NicoElNino/shutterstock.com

If you’ve analyzed your digital marketing company’s website recently, you’ve probably looked into its current bounce rate—and you may have asked yourself, “why are so many people leaving my website without clicking anything?” When a new visitor’s session is cut short, it could be due to a lack of engagement opportunities on your website.

Luckily, there are plenty of strategies that can help your company reduce its website bounce rate. In this post, we’ll be sharing some key action items you can implement to keep your visitors from bouncing so soon.

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How to Design a Proper Landing Page to Generate Leads


image credit: Wright Studio/shutterstock.com 

Often, a landing page is the final step of the lead generation process, when trying to convert website visitors. One of the most discouraging experiences as a digital marketer is seeing a high bounce rate on a landing page. It can be frustrating to see so many visitors exit the page before taking the time to fill out a form—or even just to read what your offer is! Here’s what you need to consider when designing a landing page for driving lead generation.

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