4 Tips for Developing Your B2B Brand Strategy


b2b brand development strategy meeting at large table

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One of the many challenges b2b marketers face is creating an effective brand strategy to make their brand stand out among competitors. What does your brand offer in terms of value? How does it resonate with your audience and relate to their emotional side? Your brand’s message makes a huge difference; don’t let it become an afterthought. These are the 4 tips you should follow when developing your b2b brand strategy.

Establish a purpose for your brand

It’s great that you believe in your organization, but why should others believe it? A brand with a clear and powerful purpose will help you stand out amongst your competitors. While you may both be in the same industry and offer similar services. Stay away from vague goals, such as increasing profits by a certain percentage. Instead, consider how you plan to connect with prospects better, or develop a consistent image for your brand.

Connect to prospects on a personal level

Your brand is meant to be a point of connection with your intended audience, which is why developing a clear and empowering strategy is crucial. Remember, your brand isn’t just a marketing ploy–it is a way of life for your staff and anyone who comes in contact with your organization.

You want your audience to feel connected to your company and brand. It’s natural for people to seek relationships with someone or something they find trustworthy and meaningful. How does your brand appeal to your prospects on a personal level? Your brand to address these specific questions:

  • Does your organization solve a crucial problem for a prospect?
  • Do prospects feel like they are part of a connected group?
  • Does your brand offer value to prospects?

communicate with your prospects and respond to their feedback

How has your brand personally affected your prospects? Prospects can provide positive reviews for your brand, share your content on social media, and inform others about your quality service. Don’t forget to return the favor; once you’ve received positive acclaim from a prospect, be sure to thank them. This can include a “thank you” email, or publishing one of their review quotes on your website.

Learn from the successes and mistakes of your competitors

Your competitors may have effective strategies that you will feel inspired by, but they've also likely made a few mistakes along the way. Build a brand message that follows the expectations of the industry, while personalizing it to your company. This means you shouldn't follow every practice your competitors hold; not all of their startegies may work for you or have worked well for them either. Your brand is your own; you don’t want to just copy someone else. Let your brand positioning initiative succeed where others have failed.

Thinkdm2 has been helping clients build their b2b brand and digital marketing initiatives for over 25 years. Looking for more effective brand development strategies? Visit our blog for more branding guidelines. 

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