B2B Digital Marketing Trends Your Company Should Be Following


person on phone and computer projected over a city with a ferry boat on a bay

image credit: everything possible/shutterstock.com

Last year, b2b marketers were given a glimpse of the future with artificial intelligence improvements, video marketing, and block chain technology. As technology changes, digital marketing tactics must follow. The age of b2b digital marketing is on a steady incline for 2018, and marketers may need to change up their strategies to keep up with the latest tech trends. That’s why we’re giving you a look at the year ahead in b2b digital marketing. 


Marketing automation will give your marketing team room to breath

Marketing automation remains a top trend for measuring ROI, improving email send rates, and managing data. The structure of your marketing technology should allow for multiple software tools (such as analytics tools), to ensure that all metrics are covered. It may seem like a lot to manage if you’re using multiple marketing tools, but automation keeps data on top, while helping you nurture leads.


Omnichannel marketing is set to spice up your brand relevancy

If you’re only targeting one marketing channel, such as social media or email, you’re not giving your brand a chance to grow in other key areas. Omnichannel marketing provides the same b2b sales experience for your prospects, regardless of the methods or devices they are using. Multiple marketing channels allow you to reach leads in all areas of their sales journey, from direct to organic.

Your omnichannel strategy needs to support your brand image and message, while nurturing leads. A great place to start would be to make your business’s desktop and mobile sites integrated to look and work the same. This should also apply to the design of your emails, to ensure all text, images, and links in the email are working for mobile.


Prospects want easy access to engaging b2b digital content

Content marketing in the digital age will continue to support lead generation for b2b marketing. However, you need to be sure your content is easy to access. The easier it is for prospects to reach your content, the more they will be able to further engage with your brand online.

Try using suggested searches, direct links to blogs related to a prospect’s browsing, and email alerts for your latest content updates. As prospects move through the sales funnel, your digital content keeps them interested in your brand. This content can include the following:

    • Blog posts
    • Webinars
    • ebooks
    • Newsletters

Thinkdm2 is a b2b digital marketing and branding agency from New Jersey. We are committed to guiding our clients on the right path toward digital marketing success. For more of our work, visit our blog today.

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