Interactive Content is the Future of Digital Marketing


three people sitting together and looking at their cell phones

image credit: SFIO CRACHO/

Interactive content continues to give marketers the ability to provide user interaction in real-time. Interactive content is about to change everything we know about digital marketing. When offering reading and video, it’s difficult for marketers to know if prospects are actually staying focused on the delivered content.

Return on investment is already improving through interactive content, with marketers now seeing conversion rates increase by 2-5 times. If your company is looking to build stronger relationships with prospects and potential leads, you’ll want to know about these benefits to using interactive content.


Make interactive content that’s exclusive to your company

With such a vast amount of content on the web, marketers may struggle with locating where their audience is spending the most time. If you want to attract attention, your content will need to stand out. For every written blog or article your website provides, include something interactive for readers, such as quizzes or surveys.

Consider the following about your company’s current website:

  • What makes it unique?
  • What does it offer that other sites do not?
  • What interactive content does it currently provide?

Interactive content helps with stages in the buyer’s journey

Distribute interactive content items to give prospective buyers information in each stage of the buyer’s journey. You can collect data for your buyer’s behaviors and preferences as they engage with content in the conversion stage, such as:

  • Interactive image galleries
  • Interactive infographics
  • Webinars and podcasts

Research shows that 51% of marketers are finding calculators efficient in the evaluation and consideration stage in the buyer’s journey. These allow decision makers to understand how they can help reduce costs and increase return on investment.

Build engagement with B2B prospects and convert

Interactive content allows prospects to become more engaged thanks to customization options, such as configurators. These let your audience customize a content offering digitally to their needs, while lowering distribution costs.

Finally, a call-to-action is a simple interactive experience that helps lead prospective buyers toward a final purchase with a single click. To further engage leads, downloadable Ebooks are a great CTA to provide meaningful information through interactive content.

Interactive content can help your company reach its goals for your brand, and resonate with the right target audience to build a stronger, personal connection. Interested in more tips for your company’s marketing team? Check out thinkdm2’s blog today.

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