Align Marketing and Sales Teams Around Buyer Personas

By Philip BerardoSep 07, 2017


silhouette of two marketers shaking hands in front of office building window

image credit: yuttana Contributor Studio/

Aligning marketing and sales is an important step toward personalizing your company’s content and effectively managing leads. In a study from SiriusDecisions, it was shown alignment between marketing and sales can lead to 24% faster growth in revenue and 27% faster growth in profit over a 3 year period. To increase your company’s revenue, here are some ways your company can work toward aligning its marketing and sales teams. 

Map out your marketing and sales team activities 

You’ll want to categorize specific areas for your marketing and sales teams to focus their efforts, which include understanding your buyer personas. You can keep track of the personas you create based on the following areas:

  • Demographics, such as age and location
  • Researching the buyer’s career
  • Understanding how your buyer persona finds information

Personalized web experiences are also important, because they can lead to a substantial increase in marketing performance from your buyer personas. Consider sales input from buyers in order to build personalized content. 

Observe what sales professionals are looking for in marketing

According to a survey from B2B demand generation company Televerde, sales professionals look for the following in a company’s marketing:

  • 50% look for industry events
  • 46% look for value proposition
  • 42% look for customer case studies.

In order to keep both teams on the same page, sales and marketing teams should share the same language, agree on buyer persona definitions, and establish well-defined leads. Determine the responsibilities of both teams and where their goals align. 

Observe what buyers are looking for from sales professionals 

B2B sales professionals also say their sales were more successful when:

  • The brand they were selling aligned closer with buyer needs
  • The buyer found the sales team easy to work with
  • The product offered the best return on investment for the buyer
  • Pricing of the product was inconsistent or too high
  • The product or service was not properly communicated to the buyer

Marketing and sales teams need to be aware of buyer purchasing behaviors so they can market the right service to the right buyer persona, while making sure pricing remains consistent with a buyer’s desire. 

Alignment can make a huge difference in keeping your marketing and sales teams aware of buyer needs, while also alleviating any struggles with revenue. For more marketing and sales strategies, visit Thinkdm2’s blog:

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