Samantha Feller

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3 Ways to Jump Start Your Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing is like the latest smart phone; if you aren’t using it you are missing out big time. Not only are you left out of the conversation at the water cooler, but you are missing real benefits that could change your daily life, or in this case – your business. If you haven’t already jumped on the bandwagon, here are three ways to start planning your content marketing strategy:

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4 Myths About Marketing Automation

Many business owners are asking, why marketing automation, is it really valuable? The answer is yes! Marketing automation allows business owners and marketers to strategize, create and implement successful campaigns. More importantly it enables them to measure their work, which creates benchmarks and true guidance instead of shooting in the dark.

Here are 4 myths and the facts so that business owners can make informed decisions before incorporating marketing automation into their marketing strategy:

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