4 Common Misconceptions About Lead Generation

Lead generation is a hot topic that is getting hotter by the day. With the buzz lead generation has created comes misconceptions around best practices. Marketers and business owners need to know the correct information for the most successful lead generation campaigns. To help give those in charge peace of mind; here are five misconceptions and the reasons why:

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Is Your Landing Page a Dead-end or a Gateway to Lead Generation?


We’ve all seen them and we’ve all second-guessed filling them out. But a good landing page is one of your most effective marketing techniques. It can deliver more b2b leads and convert them into clients.

A landing page should target a specific audience. Avoid going generic. If you’re driving people to a particular ebook, webinar, or promotion, your landing page should reflect the offer. It’s important to build a unique landing page for each of the offers you create.

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