Predicting the Future of Technology in Digital Marketing

SH-1SH-1laptop screen on desk displays digital marketing

image credit: HAKINMHAN/

Take a moment to think about the many tech buzzwords digital marketers tend to use today; AI, machine learning, and the Internet of Things are all major topics of interest. Since digital marketing is constantly evolving, this year will once again bring technology advancements along for the long run.

Here are several innovations in technology for digital marketing that we’re expecting in the near future.


AI is set to personalize messages during a buyer’s journey

By updating and analyzing data in real-time, AI and machine learning are already giving b2b brands an advantage with their digital marketing efforts. AI streamlines repetitive tasks, which otherwise may have been rushed or disorganized as a result of fatigue.

You can manage and organize your audience and buyer personas with AI grouping based on their behavior. This includes actions a visitor takes on your website, such as CTA clicks or when they view related content.

Digital marketers will even be able to anticipate a visitor’s action before it occurs, based on behavioral analytics. Then, they can use previous data and context to respond as soon as an action occurs.


IoT devices will support intent data for digital marketing

User intent is vital data you need to understand the lifecycle stage of your prospects. IoT devices can send out notifications and signals based on a user’s actions, so you’ll always be ready to capitalize on a conversion opportunity.

When data is collected, it can easily be sent across multiple networks automatically; no need to worry about having someone physically manage the data! Digital marketing is all about sending the right messages at the best time; IoT connectivity ensures convenience and timeliness.

IoT functionality can start with everyday convenience—such as informing a user when other electronics in their home need to be recharged—but b2b marketers will surely find a way to integrate IoT devices into their digital strategies.


Marketing platforms and IoT data collide

AI and machine learning continue to invade the digital landscape; by improving previous marketing platforms, they can analyze data and take responsive actions.

Marketing platforms will use signals from IoT devices much in the same way websites use cookies. Data will be shared between mobile devices and desktops, to streamline the user experience on your website. If businesses capitalize on this, they can stay up-to-date with a prospect’s needs in his or her buyer journey, regardless of their device.


Staying current with the latest technology trends is a surefire way for digital marketers to keep their brands fresh in the coming months. Thinkdm2 has the latest when it comes to digital marketing and branding trends for b2b businesses.

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