Predicting the Future of Technology in Digital Marketing

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Take a moment to think about the many tech buzzwords digital marketers tend to use today; AI, machine learning, and the Internet of Things are all major topics of interest. Since digital marketing is constantly evolving, this year will once again bring technology advancements along for the long run.

Here are several innovations in technology for digital marketing that we’re expecting in the near future.

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IBM's Predictions for IoT in 2018


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In 2018, the number of Internet connected devices are expected to grow to 11 billion. There will be a rise in AI usage, blockchains, and an increase in internet of things capabilities. With new ways to analyze and store important information, IoT devices are looking to make a big impact on companies in 2018. Here are IBM’s predictions.

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The Risk and Reward of IoT: What Your Marketing Company Should Know


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According to a study conducted by Cisco in 2016, global business executives believe IoT, or the Internet of Things, will positively impact their companies in multiple ways, such as operations efficiency, customer service improvement, and enhanced collaboration among others.

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Hackers Find New Targets for 2017: Drones and IoT Devices


image credit: Elnur/

In their 2017 threat predictions report, McAfee Labs disclosed some frightening information regarding the ongoing rise of cyber-attacks. Health, public, and education sectors make up over 50% of the incidents alone. Now, drones and IoT (internet of things) devices are prime aim for hackers, but even mobile devices are a continuing target. These attacks are a huge threat for companies looking to build trust with buyers and potential leads.

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IoT Spending to Hit $1.29 Trillion by 2020


image credit: Liu zishan/

It comes as no surprise that companies are focusing their resources on IoT but the actual dollar amount may surprise you. In 2016 alone, spending on the Internet of Things totaled an estimated $737 billion. Predictions are stating that organizations are going to continue to invest in hardware, software, services and connectivity that enables IoT. 

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