3 Tips to Implement Automation In Your Marketing Strategy


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As marketers, we have a lot of day-to-day tasks to take care of—from keeping up with newly-generated leads to planning out pieces to support an upcoming marketing campaign. Marketing automation serves as an effective, time-saving method to ensure your leads and customers are receiving follow-ups based on the actions they take. For example, a user downloads an eBook on your marketing website and receives an automated email that shares a related blog post.

In this post, we will be sharing three tips to implement automation in your marketing strategy.

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How 2021 Will Impact Chief Marketing Officers


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There is a lot of uncertainty around the future of marketing in 2021, and many chief marketing officers (CMOs) are doing their best to plan accordingly. With a shift to stronger customer-focused strategies, the new year could be both exciting for CMOs and perhaps a bit overwhelming. Recently, Forrester shared its 2021 predictions report, which provided new insights into the changes CMOs can expect in the marketing landscape in 2021. Here is an overview of how 2021 will impact chief marketing officers.

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What are Vanity Metrics in a Marketing Strategy?


image credit: Andrey_Popov/shutterstock.com

Marketers have dozens of unique metrics to keep track of in order to ensure their marketing goals are being properly met. This can include lead conversions, content downloads, and organic traffic from search engines, among others. However, not all of these metrics hold the same value in your marketing strategy. In between the metrics that help prove your company’s return on investment (ROI), there are vanity metrics. In this post, we will be defining vanity metrics and their role in your marketing strategy.

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How Pantone’s 2020 Color of the Year Affects Digital Marketing


image credit: ESB Professional/shutterstock.com

Late last year, Pantone revealed that Classic Blue was their choice for the 2020 color of the year. This color was meant to reflect human spirit, resilience, and a warm sensation. Though some felt it was a safe pick, there's no denying the appealing, soothing nature of Classic Blue! We even shared our insights into this color choice back in January. In this post, we’re taking a look at how Pantone’s 2020 color of the year affects digital marketing.

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What Does a Contextual Marketing Strategy Look Like?


image credit: Rawpixel.com/shutterstock.com

Contextual marketing is a more personalized approach to marketing; it is a strategy that centers around the users coming to your website and what they are looking for. Essentially, it helps ensure that the content you are delivering is relevant to a user based on their stage in the buyer’s journey and any pain points they have. When working alongside personalization, contextual marketing is an effective strategy to meet a user’s needs, habits, and goals. In this post, we will be further defining contextual marketing and what a proper strategy looks like.

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How Dynamic Content Personalizes Your Digital Marketing Strategy


image credit: fizkes/shutterstock.com

In digital marketing, dynamic content refers to content—such as an email, webpage, or even call-to-action (CTA)—that changes based on a user’s behavior and session data. In other words, it adapts to their actions and provides a more personalized experience as they digest your content. Most commonly, digital marketers will implement dynamic content across their website—which can increase conversions in addition to making for a captivating browsing experience. Here are a few ways dynamic content personalizes your digital marketing strategy. 

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What Is Agile Marketing? Defining a Data-Driven Strategy


image credit: G-Stock Studio/shutterstock.com

In today’s marketing landscape, there are dozens of unique strategies that your team may consider implementing. Whether you try account-based marketing or go fully Inbound, these strategies have their benefits and initial challenges to overcome. Agile marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on a data-driven approach—analyzing real-time data and responding quickly. Let’s further define agile marketing and its significance as a powerful marketing strategy.

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Additional Best Practices for Marketers Working Remotely


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Last month, we shared some best practices for marketers working from home amid COVID-19. The work-from-home process isn’t something that everyone will be used to, which is why we’ve found it helpful to brush up on some helpful guidelines and practices. Here are some additional best practices for your marketing team working remotely during COVID-19.

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Best Practices for Marketers Working Remotely During COVID-19


image credit: Flamingo Images/shutterstock.com

With many uncertainties around COVID-19 and when this epidemic will begin to alleviate, marketers are finding themselves working remotely for extra precaution. Above all, safety is most important for all employers and their workers; staying home is becoming a necessity. However, for many marketers, remote work is something unfamiliar and confusing. To help your marketing team stay productive and encouraged, here are a few best practices for working remotely during COVID-19.

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Defining Marketing Attribution and How to Use it Effectively


image credit: NicoElNino/shutterstock.com

When it comes to reporting marketing data, there’s a lot to consider in terms of success and shortcomings. You may have even found yourself closely analyzing metrics to uncover hidden patterns or inconsistencies in your data. To help track the progress of your company’s marketing and sales teams, marketing attribution is a strategy your company should be considering. Here’s what you need to know about marketing attribution and how to use it effectively.

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