Philip Berardo

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How Pantone’s 2020 Color of the Year Affects Digital Marketing


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Late last year, Pantone revealed that Classic Blue was their choice for the 2020 color of the year. This color was meant to reflect human spirit, resilience, and a warm sensation. Though some felt it was a safe pick, there's no denying the appealing, soothing nature of Classic Blue! We even shared our insights into this color choice back in January. In this post, we’re taking a look at how Pantone’s 2020 color of the year affects digital marketing.

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A Simple Guide for Growing Your B2B Brand


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One of the top challenges B2B marketers face is developing a strong brand strategy to make their brand stand out among competitors. After all, a brand with a clearly-defined purpose and value can help you stand out among others in your industry. Recently, we explored some of the top questions companies should be asking about their brand. In this simple guide, you will learn how to effectively grow your B2B brand.

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Why Simplicity is the Key to Great Website Design


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Have you ever visited a company’s website for the first time and immediately felt put off by its design and layout? Maybe too many contrasting colors were jarring to look at or the home page had complex scrolling—shifting from horizontal to vertical with seemingly little purpose. If you made it through this experience with a vow never to return to that website, you likely have an idea of what led to such a poor user experience; the website wasn’t embracing simplicity. Let’s discuss why simplicity is the key to great website design.

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Branding Guide: 5 Questions to Ask About Your Company’s Brand


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We’re nearing the end of the summer months, and it’s around the time most marketing companies are beginning to plan ahead for next year’s goals. Your company may even have its own objectives and strategies on the drawing boards already. However, alongside your marketing efforts—such as generating more leads or developing a new content calendar—there is one key aspect of your company that must shine through: your brand! In this branding guide, we’ll give you five questions that you should be asking yourself about your company’s current brand.

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What Does a Contextual Marketing Strategy Look Like?


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Contextual marketing is a more personalized approach to marketing; it is a strategy that centers around the users coming to your website and what they are looking for. Essentially, it helps ensure that the content you are delivering is relevant to a user based on their stage in the buyer’s journey and any pain points they have. When working alongside personalization, contextual marketing is an effective strategy to meet a user’s needs, habits, and goals. In this post, we will be further defining contextual marketing and what a proper strategy looks like.

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What are the 3 Stages of the Inbound Flywheel?


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Ever since the 2018 HubSpot Inbound event dropped a major game changer with its inbound flywheel, many marketers have had time to rethink their existing marketing strategies. Whether in the B2B or B2C space, customers used to be more of an afterthought in the grand scheme of the sales funnel. Now, more marketers are shifting to an inbound approach and integrating the inbound flywheel—a model that encourages customer engagement and interaction across the full sales cycle.

In this post, we’ll be defining the 3 stages of the inbound flywheel.


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Brand Equity vs. Brand Value: The Key Differences


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Brand equity is a critical component in developing a quality branding strategy. If you’ve followed our previous posts around brand equity, we’ve drawn a few comparisons to the value of a brand as well. However, while brand equity is certainly related to value, the two aren’t quite the same. Both play a critical role in shaping your audience’s perception of your brand, how it stands out among competitors, and its longevity in your target market. In this post, we’ll share the key differences between brand equality and brand value that marketers should know.

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How Your Marketing Website Reflects Your Company’s Branding


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A website’s design can say a lot about a company as a whole—regarding their tone, values, and how much you can trust them. If a prospect is researching for the right solution to fit their needs, they may just end up finding their way to your marketing website. When they get there, it can be disappointing to see confusing navigation, inconsistent colors and fonts, and a lack of valuable offers. As a follow-up to a previous blog post we published last year, here’s how your marketing website acts as a reflection of your company’s branding.

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The Essential Branding Checklist For Your B2B Marketing Company


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With the second half of the year now underway, it’s time to assess the current state of your marketing company’s brand—including its reputation, audience, and success in the industry. Amidst the many challenges—and hopefully plenty of victories as well—it’s important to take some time to reflect on your branding strategy. Here is an essential branding checklist for your B2B marketing company to follow for the rest of the year. 

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Improving Your Marketing Company's Website Performance


image credit: NicoElNino/

To a marketing company, website performance means more than just load times, image rendering, and bounce rate. It defines a significant part of your company’s authority and relevancy in the eyes of your audience and search engines alike. The unfortunate truth is that potential leads may never get to see what your solutions and services are—because they’ve already left your website due to poor performance.

To ensure your marketing company isn’t missing out on lead generation and search engine optimization (SEO) opportunities, here are a few tips to improve your website performance.

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