Additional Best Practices for Marketers Working Remotely


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Last month, we shared some best practices for marketers working from home amid COVID-19. The work-from-home process isn’t something that everyone will be used to, which is why we’ve found it helpful to brush up on some helpful guidelines and practices. Here are some additional best practices for your marketing team working remotely during COVID-19.

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Responding to COVID-19: What Your Marketing Team Needs to Know


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These past few weeks have been challenging for many, and we are anticipating further caution in the months ahead. Everyone’s safety and well-being is a top priority, as we continue to learn more about the current situation with COVID-19. At this time, it can be difficult for marketing teams to know how to properly respond and reassure their customers and clients. Here’s what your company’s marketing team should expect and how to properly respond to COVID-19.

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What Marketing Conferences Should Your Company Attend in 2020?


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Each new year brings dozens of exciting marketing conferences all over the country (and the world for that matter!) Choosing the right conference for your company to attend can be challenging—especially when considering the cost and time needed. It also comes down to which conferences are offering discussion around topics that appeal to your company and industry. To help make your selection easier, here are a few marketing conferences your company should look into for 2020.

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The Top 2020 B2B Marketing Trends Your Company Needs to Know


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As the b2b marketing industry prepares for 2020, some marketers may find themselves eagerly anticipating new trends, while others are feeling apprehensive. After all, 2020 isn’t just a new year; it’s a new decade altogether. At a time where the sales funnel has become obsolete, topic clusters rule SEO, and machine learning is proving its worth to marketers, anything seems possible in the future.

Could this finally be the decade where flying cars become reality!? We’re probably not there just yet—but here are some b2b marketing trends your company can expect to see in 2020.

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What is Reverse Positioning in Marketing and Branding?


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The term “reverse positioning” (sometimes called “breakaway positioning”) has begun resurfacing in the marketing industry recently, but what exactly does it mean? In this post, we’ll be defining reverse positioning—a unique marketing and branding strategy your company should know about.

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What is a Brand Refresh? Insights for B2B Marketers


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A brand refresh is a topic that your b2b marketing company may have already discussed—and the response may have been a resounding “that’s a good idea!” Despite this, the idea of a “refresh” may not be within your company’s current brand strategy and scope. It’s hard to fit a full refresh into your branding strategy, especially if it will change other company aspects in the process, such as tone or existing guidelines.

The truth is, every company runs the risk of becoming stale and outdated with its branding. To prevent your b2b marketing company from running its course, here’s what you need to know about a brand refresh.

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Understanding the Advantages of Brand Equity in B2B Marketing

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What does it mean for your company to have a strong “brand equity?” Well, it’s part of what makes your brand valued and meaningful in the eyes of your customers and prospects. Without brand equity, your b2b company is essentially marketing its brand without any defining characteristics—no real emotional value to gain from supporting it. That doesn’t exactly sound like it’s doing your target audience any favors, does it? That’s why we’re sharing the key advantages of brand equity in b2b marketing, with best practices your company can follow!

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How Your B2B Marketing Company Can Refresh its Content Strategy


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When the time comes to review your b2b company’s content marketing strategy, it can prove to be a harsh reality—not all of your content will perform as well as others; your content may not generate the traffic and leads your company is looking for, or perhaps you’re spreading your content too thin.

There are several challenges that can come with any content marketing strategy, and it’s perfectly all right to run into a few speed bumps along the way! Here are a few ways your b2b marketing company can refresh its content strategy.

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4 Content Writing Best Practices for Your Digital Marketing

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Digital marketing—especially for those using an inbound strategy—has an emphasis on written material, typically through blogging and content development. The way your company portrays its tone and overall “voice” makes a big difference when building engagement and trust. The content you write can vary across a number of pieces—direct mailers, emails, and blog posts are just a few examples. Here are 4 content writing best practices you should be following for your digital marketing.

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Digital Marketing in 2020: What will the Next Decade Bring?

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It’s hard to believe that we’ve almost reached a new decade. With 2020 looming over the horizon, there are plenty of thoughts to consider about the state of digital marketing. Each new year always manages to bring a few surprises to the digital marketing landscape (remember when HubSpot helped destroy the sales funnel last year?) So as we make our way through the last weeks of the summer, let’s take a look ahead at digital marketing in 2020.

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