How to Put Content Insights Into Action

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In marketing, it is expected to be able to prove that content is successful and performing well. However, it is not as easy as it might seem — to be able to determine what efforts are worth the time and money spent and what are not.  

There is such a wide variety of metrics available to marketers and you must be able to figure out which ones matter most for your business and content, but how? 

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Gain Insight Into Your Business With Marketing Metrics

image credit: Rudzhan/

What every stakeholder wants to know is: Did the funds from the marketing budget actually lead to more revenue? 

Not only should we have the answer, but we need to back it up with data by capturing the right metrics.

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What are Vanity Metrics in a Marketing Strategy?


image credit: Andrey_Popov/

Marketers have dozens of unique metrics to keep track of in order to ensure their marketing goals are being properly met. This can include lead conversions, content downloads, and organic traffic from search engines, among others. However, not all of these metrics hold the same value in your marketing strategy. In between the metrics that help prove your company’s return on investment (ROI), there are vanity metrics. In this post, we will be defining vanity metrics and their role in your marketing strategy.

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What are the 3 Metrics of Brand Equity?


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When it comes to your marketing company’s brand, its value and reception plays a vital role in how new and existing customers view your brand. This is known as brand equity. Ultimately, your brand equity relates to your brand’s value in relation to how recognizable it is and the response it generates. A brand without equity is like a sandwich with no toppings—a skeleton of something that could be so much stronger and more unique (not to mention tastier!)

Overall, there are three key metrics to brand equity that your marketing company will want to measure. In this post, we’ll be defining those metrics and the impact they can have on your branding.

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How COVID-19 Has Affected Marketing and Sales Metrics


image credit: NicoElNino/

With April coming to an end, we’re finding ourselves entering a new month of rethinking our marketing and sales strategies during COVID-19. In the midst of remote working and social distancing, there have been notable effects on marketing and sales metrics throughout April. Marketing influencers like HubSpot have provided weekly updates on the state of the industry, with data related to email marketing, website traffic, and lead conversions.

Here is a roundup of the most notable effects COVID-19 has had on marketing and sales metrics.

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Defining Marketing Attribution and How to Use it Effectively


image credit: NicoElNino/

When it comes to reporting marketing data, there’s a lot to consider in terms of success and shortcomings. You may have even found yourself closely analyzing metrics to uncover hidden patterns or inconsistencies in your data. To help track the progress of your company’s marketing and sales teams, marketing attribution is a strategy your company should be considering. Here’s what you need to know about marketing attribution and how to use it effectively.

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These Metrics Can Make or Break Your Digital Marketing

image credit: NicoElNino/

When it comes to measuring campaign success in your b2b organization, metrics will no doubt be your greatest asset. Metrics--such as session duration, bounce rates, and lead conversion rates--allow digital marketers to keep track of website engagement rates and how their content is resonating with their audience. If those metrics are struggling, it can be difficult to get back on track. 

In order to meet your digital marketing goals and avoid falling off track, these are the metrics you need to be fully utilizing on your website. 

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Understanding and Improving Your Bounce Rate in Google Analytics

image credit: Ahmetov Renat/

The amount of analytics information the average b2b business must keep track of is no doubt overwhelming. Whether it’s organic and direct traffic, session durations, or entrances and exits, there is a vast array of data to measure. In some cases, your website may even experience a spike in bounce rate for seemingly no reason.

The truth is, there is an underlying pattern behind the rise and fall of your bounce rate. Here’s what you need to know to understand and improve your b2b website’s bounce rate through Google analytics. 

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Key Metrics that Influence Your B2B Website Performance


image credit: Satori Studio/

Your b2b website plays a huge role in building brand awareness, gaining qualified leads, and sharing relevant content. If you’re not measuring specific metrics for your site, it may negatively affect its performance. A dedicated analytics tool is a good place to start, as provides real-time data for your web pages.

These are the key metrics that have an influence on your b2b website performance. 

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Are You Following Google's Best Practices for SEO?


image credit: Castleski/

Marketing moved into the digital age quite some time ago, and with any transformation it has come with its fair share of growing pains. Online marketing has become an industry of its own, comprised of Pay Per Click, blogging, and SEO, etc. There’s not a day a user can log online without being hit with some form of online marketing. So, how can you ensure you are following best practices?

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