4 Ways to Increase Your B2B Website Traffic


image credit: Georgejmclittle/shutterstock.com

You may have a steady flow of traffic to your website, but there is always an opportunity to increase traffic even more. So how do you attract new visitors to your site? The key to increasing your website traffic is to work off what you already have. Here are a few tips to help you expand your current website traffic, and welcome new visitors. 

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SEO to SXO: The Transformation of Search Engine Optimization


Change is not always the easiest thing, but when it comes to optimizing your website, you might want to reconsider.

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The Mobilegeddon: Making Mobile A Priority

"27% of websites are mis-configured for smart phone searches, which leads to an expected drop in traffic of 68%" (Source). As the most popular search engine of our time, Google has a responsibility to deliver the best search results possible. In this day and age, we have rose above the desktop and pushed our laptops aside to adopt a lifestyle using mobile technology. 

Since many people are integrating their phones and tablets into everyday life, it is obvious why search engines like Google are constantly updating their services. On April 21, 2015 Google released an update that all website owners should be aware of.

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How to Increase ROI with Your B2B Website

When a potential customer looks at your outdated website that lacks a blog, social sharing buttons and a modern design, it’s like showing up on your first day of a new job in your pajamas without brushing your teeth and hair. First impressions matter and can determine the outcome of future interactions with your business.

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Is Your Landing Page a Dead-end or a Gateway to Lead Generation?


We’ve all seen them and we’ve all second-guessed filling them out. But a good landing page is one of your most effective marketing techniques. It can deliver more b2b leads and convert them into clients.

A landing page should target a specific audience. Avoid going generic. If you’re driving people to a particular ebook, webinar, or promotion, your landing page should reflect the offer. It’s important to build a unique landing page for each of the offers you create.

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