4 Tips for Developing Your B2B Brand Strategy


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One of the many challenges b2b marketers face is creating an effective brand strategy to make their brand stand out among competitors. What does your brand offer in terms of value? How does it resonate with your audience and relate to their emotional side? Your brand’s message makes a huge difference; don’t let it become an afterthought. These are the 4 tips you should follow when developing your b2b brand strategy.

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Align Marketing and Sales Teams Around Buyer Personas


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Aligning marketing and sales is an important step toward personalizing your company’s content and effectively managing leads. In a study from SiriusDecisions, it was shown alignment between marketing and sales can lead to 24% faster growth in revenue and 27% faster growth in profit over a 3 year period. To increase your company’s revenue, here are some ways your company can work toward aligning its marketing and sales teams. 

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Do B2B Organizations Need Taglines?


image credit: Mohd KhairilX/shutterstock.com

In b2b marketing, it’s becoming less common for an organization to use taglines for their branding. Several technology companies, such as BMC, Cisco, and Microsoft, have ditched the tagline philosophy altogether. With these big name brands at to the top without them, new marketing tactics have emerged to effectively replace taglines. Is your company looking for more than just a simple tagline? Here are some strategies to consider for your branding. 

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A Lesson in Brand Loyalty From Amazon


image credit: Dean Drobot/shutterstock.com

With the long-awaited Amazon Prime day on July 11th and its recent acquisition of Whole Foods, the question “What can’t Amazon do?” is a trending topic of conversation. Acquiring and retaining customers left and right, customer loyalty to the Amazon brand has become increasingly unparalleled.

While Amazon has certainly capitalized on the B2C market, by implementing these three principles of strong brand loyalty that are inherent to Amazon’s own marketing strategy and applicable to all, your B2B organization can capitalize on Amazon’s magic.

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Discover How Technology Can Impact Brand Storytelling


image credit: TierneyMJ/shutterstock.com

A recent panel discussion during SXSW (South by Southwest) inspired Ben James, Google, Global Creative Director to speak about how much technology has changed brand storytelling. His comments prompted industry creatives to speak up about the pitfalls they often face when it comes to storytelling in the digital era.

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3 Ways B2B Marketing Heavyweights Are Driving Customer Centricity


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From creating new roles and cross-functional teams to developing customer narratives, organizations are ramping up their martech efforts like never before. Recently these 3 heavyweights spoke at the Oracle Modern Customer Experience Summit, where they were united in transforming the face of digital change and connecting with customers.

Here are 3 examples of how data can transform the way marketers connect to their audience.

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How Can You Market Against Negative Perceptions?

After the 2008 financial crisis, the Wall Street banks were clearly one of the largest and most hated industries in the country. The recession erased all of the positive impressions people had for this industry. If the business of big banking had a tagline during this tumultuous period, it would be "You suffer, we sail."

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The Anatomy of a Great Positioning Statement


The basics of a positioning statement are pretty simple—know what you sell, who your target market is, and why you are better than your competition. While you can put these pieces together to create a basic positioning statement, your audience may still feel uninspired.

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Show Don't Tell: How to Build Your Unique Brand Personality

Sometimes the best way to appeal to customers is by doing something totally unrelated to what you do. It can be a critical step towards developing a distinct and likeable brand personality.  

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Five Advantages of Strong Brand Equity

We know that brand equity is potent. When you have brand equity, you go from selling a product to selling a feeling. But brand equity is intangible, so it is difficult to study. Luckily, we have David Aaker. Aaker developed a model with five essential parameters to measure brand equity.

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