3 Things You Need to Stop Doing in your B2B Digital Marketing

By Azadeh BrownMay 27, 2015

For most marketers, digital marketing isn’t a native language. It’s another tool we’ve adopted and added to our marketing tool belt to be used later as a part of a larger integrated campaign. With the rules of digital marketing changing seemingly every day, its tempting for marketers to jump on a trend to “see what works.”

The problem is knowing when to jump off—or jumping off too early! Below are the top three things you need to stop doing in your digital marketing campaign right away.

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The Real Value of Taking Branding Risks in Digital Marketing Programs

By Azadeh BrownMay 19, 2015

We work with a number of clients spanning a variety of roles, from Marketing Coordinator to Master of the Marketing Universe. Each client has a different need; a different audience to reach; a different result to incite. One consistent goal we see in creative briefs is the desire to hit a “home run” with marketing programs—whether it's to “push the brand” to generate more buzz in the industry, or to create a story that “goes viral.”

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Are You Following These 6 Keys to Developing Your Brand Essence?

By PJ MolskiApr 29, 2015

Imagine your brand as a movie, and your audience as a film critic who wrote single-word reviews. What would you want them to say about you? What would be that one big word in quotes on your matinee poster, summing up how your movie made them feel?

That’s your brand essence. It’s the promise you make to your audience, the idea that your brand provides a specific unique experience. It’s something your consumer relates to, understands, and desires on a fundamental level.

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5 Ways Your Branding Strategy is Missing the Mark

By PJ MolskiApr 21, 2015


Branding might be your business, but are you guilty of these rookie mistakes? Find out if you’re committing one of these five branding sins.

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Is Your Landing Page a Dead-end or a Gateway to Lead Generation?

By PJ MolskiMar 17, 2015


We’ve all seen them and we’ve all second-guessed filling them out. But a good landing page is one of your most effective marketing techniques. It can deliver more b2b leads and convert them into clients.

A landing page should target a specific audience. Avoid going generic. If you’re driving people to a particular ebook, webinar, or promotion, your landing page should reflect the offer. It’s important to build a unique landing page for each of the offers you create.

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