6 Blogging Content Marketing Tips to Help You Get More Traffic

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93% of online experiences start with search engines like Google or Bing. The person knows what they want to search for, but does not initially have a specific website in mind. This is where the search engine steps in to help give them some guidance to find the right website. 

This is why it is so important that your website appears in search results. Otherwise, your website will never be found by users. One of the best ways is by having a quality company blog. 

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The 6 Most Valuable Inbound Marketing Assets

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Inbound marketing leads your customer through the buyer journey by using relevant, credible, and valuable content. It can be difficult to get your inbound marketing assets to stand out, due to the crowded marketplace and an audience who receives boatloads of content. 

Keep reading to learn more about optimizing your content and making your B2B marketing assets more engaging and memorable so they stand out from the competitors.  

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11 Ways To Make Your B2B Content More Engaging

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B2B content creators can use the same techniques as other content creators to transform boring and static content into more exciting content with engaging videos, web pages, social media posts, and more. Keep reading to learn some tips on how to make your B2B content more engaging!

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How to Put Content Insights Into Action

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In marketing, it is expected to be able to prove that content is successful and performing well. However, it is not as easy as it might seem — to be able to determine what efforts are worth the time and money spent and what are not.  

There is such a wide variety of metrics available to marketers and you must be able to figure out which ones matter most for your business and content, but how? 

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Gain Insight Into Your Business With Marketing Metrics

image credit: Rudzhan/shutterstock.com

What every stakeholder wants to know is: Did the funds from the marketing budget actually lead to more revenue? 

Not only should we have the answer, but we need to back it up with data by capturing the right metrics.

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Increasing Engagement with Interactive Content

image credit: Viktoria+Kurpas/shutterstock.com

Engagement is something that every business wants to increase. Marketers use quantitative strategies and analyze data to figure out what tactics are successful for their company and what has a minimal impact. There are many techniques that increase engagement, which makes it more difficult to determine what exactly leads to this. 

This blog will explain how to engage users to differentiate your business from the rest and how interactive content is beneficial in this area as well.

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6 Reasons to Use Interactive Content Experiences

image credit: Sammby/shutterstock.com

Interactive content experiences provide users with ways to explore information in a more engaging and exciting way. It creates a dynamic experience between the content and the user. Compared to static content, interactive content provides higher retention of your message and branding. We should use interactive content because it drives meaningful engagement, differentiates your content from the competition, and offers the ability to track metrics and measure KPIs. 

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Rethink Your Content Strategy With Our Digital Platform!

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Are you still using PDFs, or even PowerPoint to deliver your message to your audience? Do you know how your target audience is interacting with your content? This lack of insights is unacceptable. What if we told you we can track engagement, interaction, and other metrics on your content?  We can turn your static content into an immersive experience for your audience to interact and engage with on a deeper level.

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2021 Website Trends

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Last year we packed up our offices and learned to work with our pets calling for attention and children walking into our meetings. The new WFH life challenged businesses to rethink the sales model. With no sales team on the road and more clients at home and online, our websites became an even more important sales vehicle, and it should be optimized as such - for a great user experience that will keep users visiting and revisiting. Here are some website trends we expect to see in 2021.

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Humanizing your Brand in a Digital Era

image credit: goodluz/shutterstock.com

At its core, marketing is about connecting with people, and in today’s digital era, human connection is still a vital conversion ingredient. 

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