Finding Success From Your White Paper Marketing


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Getting the most out of white papers takes focus and persistence. Keeping your white paper style consistent and attention-grabbing is a good practice to start with, but what else can you do to attract viewers?  Here are some additional strategies to find success from your white paper marketing.

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The HubSpot Keyword Tool Has Been Replaced: What’s Next for Inbound?


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By the end of this May, HubSpot will no longer be supporting its keyword tool. This is a result of updates to search engines, such as Google, which are following longer keyword phrases instead. Digital Marketers still have HubSpot’s Content Strategy Tool, and HubSpot is prepared to move beyond their outdated keyword tool. Here’s what you need to know about HubSpot’s upcoming changes.

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B2B Digital Marketing Trends Your Company Should Be Following


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Last year, b2b marketers were given a glimpse of the future with artificial intelligence improvements, video marketing, and block chain technology. As technology changes, digital marketing tactics must follow. The age of b2b digital marketing is on a steady incline for 2018, and marketers may need to change up their strategies to keep up with the latest tech trends. That’s why we’re giving you a look at the year ahead in b2b digital marketing. 

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IBM's Predictions for IoT in 2018


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In 2018, the number of Internet connected devices are expected to grow to 11 billion. There will be a rise in AI usage, blockchains, and an increase in internet of things capabilities. With new ways to analyze and store important information, IoT devices are looking to make a big impact on companies in 2018. Here are IBM’s predictions.

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B2B Content Marketing Trends to Watch in 2018


image credit: Mohd KhairilX/

As the year comes to an end, it’s time to focus on new marketing strategies for 2018. With less focus on branded content and a push toward video and applications, b2b’s will need to adapt to new content marketing tactics. A recent report shows that 89% of b2b marketers are making use of content marketing for lead generation, so we’ve compiled a list of the hottest content marketing trends to look out for in 2018.

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Interactive Content is the Future of Digital Marketing


image credit: SFIO CRACHO/

Interactive content continues to give marketers the ability to provide user interaction in real-time. Interactive content is about to change everything we know about digital marketing. When offering reading and video, it’s difficult for marketers to know if prospects are actually staying focused on the delivered content.

Return on investment is already improving through interactive content, with marketers now seeing conversion rates increase by 2-5 times. If your company is looking to build stronger relationships with prospects and potential leads, you’ll want to know about these benefits to using interactive content.

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Understanding the Key Benefits of Mobile Marketing for B2B


image credit: solarseven/

The world has gone mobile. Its time for marketers to take advantage of the fact that 95% of people now own cell phones, and it’s time for B2B companies to fully embrace the power of mobile marketing. Ready to reap the benefits of B2B mobile marketing? Check these steps off your list:

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The Mobilegeddon: Making Mobile A Priority

"27% of websites are mis-configured for smart phone searches, which leads to an expected drop in traffic of 68%" (Source). As the most popular search engine of our time, Google has a responsibility to deliver the best search results possible. In this day and age, we have rose above the desktop and pushed our laptops aside to adopt a lifestyle using mobile technology. 

Since many people are integrating their phones and tablets into everyday life, it is obvious why search engines like Google are constantly updating their services. On April 21, 2015 Google released an update that all website owners should be aware of.

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6 Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy

Before you dive into business as usual in the new year, take the time to map out a content marketing strategy that identifies new insights and inspirations that improve upon last year’s results.

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The Essentials To Creating a B2B Digital Marketing Plan

Regardless of how small the task, every marketing action needs a bigger plan. While it is easy to dive right into, say, social media or lead generation, without a big picture plan it is like going for a drive without a destination or a road map to get there.

Here are the essentials of creating a B2B digital marketing plan to help give you a clear target and directions.

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