The Risk and Reward of IoT: What Your Marketing Company Should Know

By Stephanie AlexandreNov 28, 2017


image credit: everything possible/

According to a study conducted by Cisco in 2016, global business executives believe IoT, or the Internet of Things, will positively impact their companies in multiple ways, such as operations efficiency, customer service improvement, and enhanced collaboration among others.

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4 Ways to Increase Your B2B Website Traffic

By Philip BerardoNov 10, 2017


image credit: Georgejmclittle/

You may have a steady flow of traffic to your website, but there is always an opportunity to increase traffic even more. So how do you attract new visitors to your site? The key to increasing your website traffic is to work off what you already have. Here are a few tips to help you expand your current website traffic, and welcome new visitors. 

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How to Effectively Review Your B2B Sales Funnel

By Philip BerardoOct 23, 2017


image credit: PanyaStudio/

When reviewing your sales funnel, it’s easy to get lost in the midst of complex data analysis and not know where to start. Your sales funnel isn’t just about your company’s sales; it’s relevant to your marketing team's strategies as well. If your company is struggling with generating b2b leads or reviewing its sales funnel, here are some helpful steps to take to get you in the right direction.  

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The Future of Artificial Intelligence in B2B

By Philip BerardoOct 16, 2017


image credit: lassedesignen/

In the past year, the usage of artificial intelligence in B2B marketing has consistently grown, and is expected to increase even further in 2018. Nearly 2/3 of B2B marketers are looking to adopt AI for their marketing strategies, including optimization and social advertising. With an AI renaissance on the horizon, here’s what you should know about the future of artificial intelligence in B2B. 

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Develop a Strong Content Marketing Strategy in 3 Steps

By Philip BerardoOct 13, 2017


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A successful content marketing campaign is difficult to create if a proper strategy was never implemented beforehand. According to Forbes, only 37% of B2B marketers have established a content marketing strategy. Here are 3 easy steps to help your company build a strong content marketing strategy. 

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An Overview of B2B Marketing in 2017

By Philip BerardoOct 13, 2017


image credit: ESB Professional/

The biggest takeaway from 2017 is that B2B marketers are realizing the importance of promoting their brands digitally. In a study from the Content Marketing Institute, over 50% of marketers have stated they will focus more spending on content marketing within the next year. With a rise in both content and digital marketing, here are some of the key trends from 2017 for B2B marketing. 

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How to Follow-Up on a Strong Sales Presentation

By Philip BerardoSep 28, 2017


image credit: fizkes/

When finishing a sales presentation, the moment of truth arrives as your prospects leave the room; were you able to make a convincing offer? Conducting a strong presentation is important, but without a proper follow-up your prospects may not hold a lasting impression of your company’s offering. Here are some ways you can follow-up a strong sales presentation with a memorable leave-behind piece.

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Interactive Content is the Future of Digital Marketing

By Philip BerardoSep 20, 2017


image credit: SFIO CRACHO/

Interactive content continues to give marketers the ability to provide user interaction in real-time. Interactive content is about to change everything we know about digital marketing. When offering reading and video, it’s difficult for marketers to know if prospects are actually staying focused on the delivered content.

Return on investment is already improving through interactive content, with marketers now seeing conversion rates increase by 2-5 times. If your company is looking to build stronger relationships with prospects and potential leads, you’ll want to know about these benefits to using interactive content.

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Align Marketing and Sales Teams Around Buyer Personas

By Philip BerardoSep 07, 2017


image credit: yuttana Contributor Studio/

Aligning marketing and sales is an important step toward personalizing your company’s content and effectively managing leads. In a study from SiriusDecisions, it was shown alignment between marketing and sales can lead to 24% faster growth in revenue and 27% faster growth in profit over a 3 year period. To increase your company’s revenue, here are some ways your company can work toward aligning its marketing and sales teams. 

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Driving ROI by Utilizing Marketing Automation

By Philip BerardoAug 22, 2017


image credit: Zapp2Photo/

Despite the growing adoption rate, some companies are finding that their marketing automation isn’t driving ROI as had been originally anticipated. Forbes has reported that an estimated 53% of companies are already using marketing automation, while an additional 37% are planning to integrate it. Here are some reasons why your company’s marketing automation may be giving an inconsistent ROI.

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